JS Unary Operator
Unary operators are the simplest operators in JavaScript. A unary operator works on one oprand. This means that there is an operator followed by just one value - or operand - that then produces a result from the operation.
Web Developer
Unary operators are the simplest operators in JavaScript. A unary operator works on one oprand. This means that there is an operator followed by just one value - or operand - that then produces a result from the operation.
Let’s face it: Every developer has to deal with performance issues. How to measure performance in the first place?
JavaScript allows you to extract the information that is most relevant for you. With destructurnig syntax, you can unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects into designed variables.
The most basic type of iteration in JavaScript is the for loop.
By default, JavaScript sorts an array by dictionary order(numbers first, followed by letters in alphabetical order)
One of the big headaches of JS particularly for new learners, is the fact that it doesn’t do decimal math as expected.
Primitive type is a type of data that represents a single value. In other words, it is not a object.
undefined is not the same as a ‘not defined error’